Project Name: Vandfald
Reason: Allows for updating velocity proxies for version updates, bug fixes, etc. Without needing to kick players
Goal: Seamlessly transition player's between multiple velocity proxies on a single node without state updates or anything noticeable client side
Rough Draft:
 Vandfald Initilizer (Communicates basic data between nodes) Note: (Players do not connect to this instance, You will need to manage an AnyCast system to send players to different nodes)

 The initilizer tells the nodes how many velocity instances to start up for normal usage and how many instances to start and migrate players to when an update is pushed (will be updated to the original number of instances once all players are migrated, the number of these instances will be limited to <= the number of normal instances).

 Each node has a master "proxy" which players connect to, this doesn't work as a normal minecraft proxy but more of a HA-Proxy (style) system. when a node that a player is on goes down it will have existing data cached to allow the player to be migrated internally to another instance without interruption of service.

 I'm probably forgetting more, I'm kinda tired.. Gonna add on to this as time goes

Required Modifications:
    Velocity Fork (Will require heavily modifying velocity to support these changes)
    Paper/Folia Fork (This could potentially be done with plugins, It would also ideally support folia but the main goal is Paper support)
